Accounts are automatically created and deactivated in synchronization with student and staff ID card issuance information and expiration dates.
If you want to set a password for starting to use the service, forgetting your password while using the service, etc., you can do so at the Tokyo Tech Portal.
学内のネットワーク環境(キャンパス無線LAN含む)から東工大ポータルにログインする必要があります。~ To set, change, or reset your password, you must log in to the Tokyo Tech Portal from the ''campus network'' including campus wireless LAN.
"ログインID"は、学生は学籍番号、教職員はmアドレスのアットマークより前の文字列をドットからハイフンに変えたものになります。 The Login ID for a student is the student ID number for students. The Login ID for faculty and staff is the string of characters before the "at" mark in the m-address for faculty and staff, replaced by dots to hyphens.
初期設定用アカウントの使い方 / How to set your password
Guest accounts will be issued only when GSIC approves the guest account for occasional classes or workshops.